6. If you are alone and must move an unconscious person downstairs, place him on his back, put both hands under his armpits cradling his head in the crook of one elbow, and back down the stairs letting the victim's feet trail. Use this method only in emergency.
7. If a victim appears to be suffering from suffocation, remove the cause if possible by removing any foreign object in the mouth or throat or by letting clean air into a dust or smoke-filled room. Apply artificial respiration immediately thereafter.
8. There are many items which may be used as an emergency stretcher, such as doors, shutters, chairs and ironing boards.
9. Never try to raise wreckage off the body of a victim without some kind of prop to insert as you go which will prevent the wreckage falling back on the victim. A length of pipe, a bed slat or an ironing board may serve well as a lever to pry wreckage off the victim.
Emergencies come and go throughout the world, and attempts have been made to deal with them ever since Noah built
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